Saturday, February 15, 2014

Starting My Adventure in India

      I am Sherlock Holmes, a graduates of Cambridge University, also a new employee of British East  India Company. I left Britain and headed to India with a group of other new employees, we just arrived at Karachi, a city that is located on the coast of Arabian Sea.
       To be honest, I am really nervous about my trip in India. Because all I know about India comes from books and school. India is a peninsula that locates at the southern tip of Asia, it is surrounded by Arabian Sea, Indian Ocean, and Bengal Bay. India is isolated from the rest of the world for a long time, because it is surrounded by Himalayas mountain range, Western Ghats, and Eastern Ghats. They made indians hard to reach out. 
      Map of India

      India can be divide into two regions. Much of northern India is made up of a large plain called the northern plain. Three great rivers flow through the northern plain: the Indus River, Ganges, and Brahmaputra. The southern part is made up of a huge plateau, called the Deccan Plateau. Frequent droughts made farming difficult for people who live on the Deccan Plateau, so agriculture develops along the coast and along those great rivers.  
      Nowadays, because of the spices and resources they have, their cheap labors, and it's important geographic location, British, French, Dutch, and Danish are fighting over each other in order to get those trading opportunities.  
      In Ancient India, Indians are famous for trading with people from modern Italy, Rome, Africa, and Arabia. They are close to ocean so their economy really depends on trading. 

      Also, I hate the weather here, it is so hot and humid. During June to September, the monsoon brings a lot of rains to India. Many places even suffer from floods at this time. When the rain season is over, it won't get rain for a long time. The Indian Monsoon turns large parts of India from a kind of semi-desert into green lands. Monsoon is extremely important for early civilization and agriculture development in India.
     This is all I know about India so far, but I believe my trip in India will help me to learn and understand more about this amazing culture!

1 comment:

  1. I really like your way of adding this introduction entry, it is a great way to add in those little details!
